I. Introduction
Welcome and greetings to the congregation
Topic introduction: Exploring the attributes of God
II. The Attributes of God: Infinite and Eternal
Week 1: Emphasizing God's infiniteness and eternality
He is self-existing, had no beginning, and will have no end
Reference to "The Great I Am"
Contrast with created beings, including angels and Satan
God exists outside of time
Week 2: Further discussing God's eternal nature
Biblical verses supporting His eternal existence
God's permanence and unchanging nature
Discussion on His immutability
Examples of His faithfulness in keeping promises
III. The Omnipotence of God
Introduction to the concept of God's omnipotence
Definition: God's unlimited power to do anything in accordance with His nature
Examples of God's omnipotence:
Creation of the universe and all living beings
Miracles performed throughout the Bible
God's sovereignty over all things
His omnipotence demonstrated through His word
Testimony about a transformed life through faith in God
IV. Conclusion
Emphasis on the omnipotence of God and His ability to change situations and hearts
Encouragement to trust in God's power, even in the face of impossible circumstances
Final prayer and blessing for the congregation
V. Closing Remarks
Thanking the congregation for their presence
Encouragement to apply the sermon's teachings in their lives