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Dec 3 2023

I. Overview of God as a Promise Keeper

A. Reference to the promise made in Genesis 3 about the seed of the woman

B. Connection to Abraham and the Abrahamic Covenant

C. Announcement of a class for the next three weeks on God as a promise keeper

II. Schedule Information

A. Three weeks of classes, followed by a break for Christmas and New Year's

B. Reminder of Thursday's reception for widows and widowers

C. Reflection on the significance of Christmas and the promise of a Savior

III. Scripture References

A. Citations from Joshua, 1 Kings, 2 Corinthians, Romans, Hebrews, Genesis, Acts, and Psalms

B. Emphasis on God's enduring promises and fulfillment through Jesus

IV. Encouragement and Application

A. Encouragement to trust in God's living, enduring, and fulfilled promises

B. Reflection on the impact of Jesus as the greatest blessing to the world

C. Personal challenge to find hope in God's promises during difficult times

V. Conclusion

A. Acknowledgment of God's faithfulness and promise-keeping

B. Closing prayer for blessings on the congregation and the main service